Step by step guide on how to use Classroom App
**Classroom Application is already installed on all Teacher and Substitute laptops. Please Note students do not need the application in order to be part of a Classroom session.**
Step 1:
A) You may locate Classroom App in your Applications folder under Finder which is located at the bottom of your dock
B) Double Click on the Finder Application (the smiling face), Once finder is open select "Applications" which is located on the left side, this will show all your applications in alphabetical order.
**If this is the first time the application is opening you may get a welcome message, just click on "continue" to proceed. This will only appear once**
How To Start a Classroom Session
Step 1:
A small box will appear titled "Teacher Information" this is where you will put your name for students to see. Once name has been entered click on "Done"
Step 2:
A) On the left hand side select "Classes" which will give you the option to "Create Class". Click on "Create Class"
B) A box will appear where you name your class as well enter a description of class, once fields are entered click done to save "class"
Inviting Students
A) A icon will appear with the class name and description, Click on that tile to start the process of Inviting Students.**Please have students go to "System Preferences" Which they can do so by clicking on the apple logo top left corner of their computer**
Image Example: Classroom Created
Image Example: Invite Students
**This is what the students will see under System Preferences**
Image Example: Student View If on macOS Monterey
Image Example: Student View If on macOS Ventura
B) Once you clicked on "Invite Students", a smaller window will pop up that will show a four digit pin which is required for the students that are specifically attending your class.
C) Students may now click and launch "Classroom" a smaller window will appear showing your classroom name as well blank fields for student to enter their information so you can identify your students. Once the fields are filled out students must click on "Add Class" which will prompt for the four digit code which in this case as per above "8765" once that information is entered you will start to see the students names appear in the class.
D) Once you have confirmed all of your students with their names, you may click on "Add" Here you will see all your students as separate icons as well as smaller icons on their name indicating what app they are currently using.
Tips and Tricks
A) You are able to click on any of the students individually and choose a number of actions for example: listed below
1) Open- Will give you the control to open an app on their specific computer.
2) View Screen- See What your students see live
3) Hide- Hides all the applications on their computer
4) Lock- Locks the device where they are unable to use the computer
5) Mute- Mute any audio playing on their device
6) Remove- Remove student from your classroom
There are so many options and tools to conduct your entire class using Apple Classroom, for additional resource you may use Apple's User Guide for in depth features