Franklin Lakes School District

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Kindergarten and New Student Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 school year.  To begin, select "New Student Registration" under Parent Tab on the District Website's homepage.
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The Board of Education establishes a policy for transporting students to and from school which includes the minimum distance from school as established by State Statutes.  Pursuant to NJDOE Statute 6A:27-1.4:  "For the purpose of determining eligibility for student transportation, measurement shall be made by the shortest route along public roadways or public walkways between the entrance of the student's residence nearest such public roadway or walkway and the nearest public entrance of the school which the student attends."  If unsure about the distance of your home from the school of attendance, please contact Ursula Dalton, Transportation Coordinator (contact info below).
Grade K-8 students who live more than two miles from school are automatically placed on the bus at no cost.  No further action is required in this case.  Bus stops and times are mailed in late August.
If a child resides less than two miles from school, he/she can apply for subscription busing by submitting the Subscription Busing Registration form and payment by the July deadline noted.  Notices of eligibility for subscription busing are mailed in the spring.  This is a fee-based service although the District will apply its guidelines for the Free and Reduced Lunch - Special Milk program for any family experiencing financial hardship.  Guidelines and the application can be found on the side navigation.  Bus stops and times are mailed in late August.  While efforts will be made to accommodate late registrants, a seat is not guaranteed.
Some additional information:
  • No Pre-school pupil will be transported to school unless provided for in their IEP (in which case busing is provided by Region 1). 
  • Children should be at their bus stop ten (10) minutes before their scheduled pick-up time and allow a window of 10 minutes  after the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Only those entitled to ride may ride, regardless of the weather. 
  • We cannot grant permission for children to go on buses other than the one for which they are scheduled, nor may walkers ride home with a classmate.
  • If a K-5 student isn't going home on the bus on a particular day, the parent/guardian should write a note to the teacher indicating the alternate transportation arrangements.  
  • Bus rules do not permit a driver to make any unscheduled stops.   Buses may make as many as twenty-five stops per route, so drivers must adhere to their schedules.
  • Parents should discuss the importance of safety with their children - both while waiting for the bus and also while on the bus. For the safety of all concerned, the driver must give his/her attention to the road. Misbehavior can distract the driver. A child may be suspended from bus privileges for misbehavior.
Please contact Ursula Dalton, Transportation Coordinator, for any questions at [email protected] or (201) 891-1856 x 203.


2022/2023 Subscription Busing Registration


Registration forms are available for all eligible students. If you reside two miles or less from school, you are eligible for subscription busing. The cost for 2022/2023 is $875 per student. Students who reside more than two miles from school are automatically bused per state statute at no cost.

The due date for registration is Friday, July 8th. The registration form can be found to the right, on the side navigation.