Thomas Jefferson and other founders of the republic emphasized that the vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. The need for an informed citizenry was the very impetus for the creation of free public education in the United States. If the nation is to develop fully the readiness of its citizenry to carry forward its democratic traditions, it must support progress toward attainment of the vision of powerful social studies teaching and learning.
- National Council for the Social Studies Position Statement
The primary purpose of the Social Studies program in Franklin Lakes is to foster in young people the ability to identify as - and assume the responsibilities of - global citizens who make informed and reasoned decisions for the benefit of the public good in an interdependent world.
Through inquiry-based learning experiences designed around history, economics, geography, and civics, students will apply the disciplinary skills and practices necessary to make sense of a complex and ever-changing cultural and physical environment. In so doing, students will consider a multiple perspectives approach to understanding so as to develop an appreciation of and respect for diversity as an asset to our democratic society. Learning activities will develop the 21st century skills that prepare and empower students for college, careers, and active roles in civic life.
Please see K-5 & 6-8 Curriculum Scope & Sequence below: