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Tiered System of Support » Behavioral Support

Behavioral Support

Pyramid of Tiered Systems of Support
Who helps:
     - Classroom teacher and instructional coaches
What's provided:
     - School-wide positive behavior expectations 
     - Effective instruction and classroom management
     - Positive reinforcement for all students
     - Consistent consequences for problem behavior
What it looks like:
Supported by the classroom teacher with classwide behavior management plans.  Instructional coaches are also utilized to address behavioral challenges due to academic needs.  Classroom teachers will document the interventions used and the effectiveness of interventions. 
TIER 2 SUPPORT - SOME STUDENTS (Approximately 20%)
Who helps:
     - Tier 1 staff, building counselors, and principals
What's provided:
     - Individualized motivational system
     - Breaks throughout the day
     - Modifying Classroom management systems
     - Check-In/Check-Out System
     - Environmental accommodations 
What it looks like:
Case managers and building principals collaborate with classroom teachers to address individual problem behavior. ABC data will be collected on these interventions to evaluate their effectiveness. Potential mental health challenges may be addressed if behavioral challenges result from mental health needs.  
TIER 3 SUPPORT - FEW STUDENTS (Approximately 5%)
Who helps:
     - Tier 1 & 2 staff, building case managers, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
What's provided:
     - Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) 
     - Potential development of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
What it looks like:
Case managers or building principals will complete a behavior referral form, which the district BCBA will review. Students receiving Tier 3 intervention will still receive Tier 1 and Tier 2 support. If a student is set to receive Tier 3 intervention, the team has reviewed the student's behavioral data and decided that the student needs a more individual level of support.  
Behavior - Anything a person says or does
Classroom management - Actions that a teacher takes to create and maintain a learning environment that is conducive to successful instruction 
ABC Data -  Anecdotal documentation of the event(s) that precede the behavior (antecedent) and the event(s) that occur immediately after the behavior (consequence).  Documentation should inform treatment procedure.
Reinforcement - Consequences that strengthen behavior
Punishment - Consequences that weaken a behavior
Treatment plan - Goals, objectives, and procedures that target a desired behavioral outcome
Variables that affect behavior (not personal) - A variable is ANYTHING in the environment. 
Function of behavior - Attention, escape, access to something, and automatic (sensory)- categorizes someone's actions to determine why behaviors occur.
Alternative behaviors - Behaviors that serve the same function as the maladaptive behavior you are targeting to decrease
Proactive strategies - Tools focused on reducing the likelihood of a problem behavior 
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) - A systematic assessment method for obtaining information about the function of a problem behavior. The results should inform the treatment procedure.
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)- A written improvement plan created for a student based on the outcome of the functional behavior assessment (FBA)