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English Language Services » English Language Services Home

English Language Services Home

The goal of the the District's English Language Services is to help Multilingual Learners [MLs]/ English Learners [ELs] develop the English language skills necessary to be successful students and members of society.


Student objectives:

  • Develop proficiency in the English language inclusive of listening, speaking, reading and writing;
  • Develop English language proficiency to support achievement in all content areas;
  • Nurture pride in each student’s linguistic and cultural heritage;


The Franklin Lakes ESL program's guiding principles are:

  • All students can learn and experience success in a second language but they learn in different ways.
  • Language acquisition is a long-term process whereby students acquire proficiency at different rates.
  • Language processes develop interdependently.
  • Language learning is cultural learning.
  • Bilingualism is an individual and societal asset.
  • Challenges face students struggling to master English for different purposes.


The philosophy of this program is anchored in a set of principles governing language acquisition and is supported by educational research and experience. Instructional materials are tailored to meet the needs of diverse learners and are provided by both local and federal Title III funding.


Teacher(s) of Multilingual Learners (MLs) utilize best practices for language development, linking language to content, rather than teaching grammar, vocabulary, and spoken English in isolation. The ML teacher, as well as the general education teacher, use strategies that encourage students' English-speaking abilities by engaging their interest and not over-correcting mistakes.  Since receptive language skills (listening or reading for understanding) develop more quickly than expressive language skills (speaking and writing), ML students are not initially expected to express themselves fluently in English, even though they may have reached proficiency in understanding what they read and hear.  The ease in acquiring a second language depends on the degree of similarity with one’s own. It normally takes two to five years for full proficiency.

How Parents Can Help Their Multilingual Children Learn English

Please see tips on supporting English-learning students in a variety of languages below: