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Special Services Overview » Referral and Evaluation Process

Referral and Evaluation Process

Child Study Team Philosophy Statement:
The Child Study Team is committed to the design and implementation of educational programs considering the 'whole' child in order to help students succeed in the classroom setting.  The multi-disciplinary team considers the child's functioning in academic, behavioral, and social domains as we collaborate with general and special education teachers, specialists, consultants, and parents to organize support systems to identify students' strengths that promote learning and address challenges that compromise potential academic growth.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a referral?
A referral is a written request for an evaluation that is given to the school district when a child is suspected of having a disability and might need special education services.
Who can make a referral?
Parents, teachers, administrators, and agencies concerned with the welfare of a student including NJDOE.  
How do I make a referral?

If you are a Franklin Lakes resident and would like to request that your child be evaluated by the Child Study Team, you may do so by submitting a letter of request to the Office of Special Services via mail to the address below or by completing this Google Form:


Office of Special Services

Attention: Ms. Christine Voorhees

749 Colonial Road 

Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417


Please be sure to include:

  • Your child's full name and date of birth
  • An explanation of why you would like your child evaluated
  • Any example or detail of your concerns that would assist us in composing the
    appropriate evaluation team
  • Your contact information including address, phone number, and email
  • Original signature if possible
What happens when a referral is made?
Within 20 calendar days of receiving a referral, an Identification meeting will be held to decide whether an evaluation will be conducted. If an evaluation will be conducted, another decision is made about the types of testing and other procedures that will be used to determine if your child needs special education services. If an evaluation will not be conducted, recommendations may be made with respect to interventions or services to be provided the student in general education.
What constitutes an evaluation?
An evaluation is a process used to determine whether your child has a disability. This process includes a review of any relevant data, and the individual administration of any tests, assessments, and observations of your child. For an initial evaluation, at least two child study team members and other specialists, as required or as determined necessary, must participate. A minimum of two assessments of your child are needed to determine eligibility for special education and related services. Each assessment must be conducted by a person who has the appropriate training, or who is qualified to conduct the assessment through his or her professional license or certification.
How is eligibility determined?
When the evaluation is completed, eligibility is determined collaboratively at a meeting according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14­2.3(k)1.8.  To be eligible for special education and related services:
     - a student must have a disability according to one of the eligibility categories
     - the disability must adversely affect the student’s educational performance
     - the student must be in need of special education and related services
What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
If your child is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, a meeting will be held to develop your child’s IEP. The IEP is a written plan that describes in detail your child’s special education program. The IEP will describe how your child currently performs and your child’s specific instructional needs, including annual goals and short-term objectives.
How often is the IEP reviewed?
The IEP is reviewed on an annual basis based on when your child is initially found eligible.  However, the IEP team can determine to review the document before that date if the team, including the parent feels it is appropriate.