CAPS (Autism Program)
CAPS is a self-contained program at Colonial Road School providing individualized instruction to students with autism in grades PreK through grade 5. Personnel in this program are highly trained in the area of autism with particular expertise in assessment, IEP development, curriculum planning, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), communication programming, and emotional/social development. The curriculum emphasizes the following: communication and language, social skills, play, engagement, academics, replacement of challenging behaviors, recreational skills and self-management. The students are supported by Special Education teachers and related service providers in collaboration with the district behavior specialist and paraeducators in a 1 to 1 ratio with students. There is a very strong team approach that is promoted by ongoing communication and weekly clinics amongst staff members.
Pathways (Autism Program)
The middle school self-contained program Pathways is designed for students with autism at the secondary level. Personnel in this program are highly trained in the area of autism with particular expertise in assessment, IEP development, curriculum planning, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), communication programming, and emotional/social development. The curriculum emphasizes function within the context of core academic areas such as reading, writing, math, science, social studies, physical education, art, community-based instruction, and self-management. The students are supported by Special Education teachers and related service providers in collaboration with the district behavior specialist.
BRIDGES (Learning and/or Language Disabilities Program)
BRIDGES is a self-contained program located at Woodside Avenue School designed to assist students with mild to moderate learning and/or language disabilities in grades K through 5. Each class contains a special education teacher and a ParaEducator with an emphasis on individualized small group instruction in all content areas, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. The limited class size maximized at 10 students helps to intensify instruction on a daily basis. Daily social skills instruction and application are provided for students. Opportunities for mainstreaming and inclusion in the general education setting are available at all grade levels through the IEP team process.
FAMS LLD (Learning and/or Language Disabilities Program)
The middle school self-contained LLD program provides individualized support to students with mild to moderate learning and/or language disabilities in grades 6 through 8. Instruction is provided in the areas of reading and writing, mathematics, science and social studies, with an emphasis on pre-vocational and real world application of skills. The Beads ‘N Me class is offered to students as an elective course that teaches entrepreneurial and problem-solving skills and applies the concepts covered in mathematics. Social skills instruction and support is provided in the classroom and supported through related service providers in collaboration with the classroom teacher.
Bright Horizons Preschool (Integrated Preschool)
Bright Horizon is an integrated preschool program located at High Mountain Road School providing a unique opportunity for both general and special needs students to receive an education in a half or full day inclusive setting. Each classroom is taught by both a general and special educator in collaboration through a co-teaching model. This team teaching approach provides the opportunity for preschool students who experience early developmental delays to be educated with their non-disabled peers. Additionally, related service providers support students in the classroom setting determined by the IEP Team.
Speech/Language Services
Communication is essential for all students to achieve academic and personal success. The Speech/Language Pathologists are dedicated to providing a structured and positive environment in order to facilitate each child’s ability to communicate to his or her optimal level. We believe in a multi-sensory approach to build confidence, social interaction, and independence. Our services include direct, small-group and integrated instruction in the classroom, as well as consultation with classroom teachers to help children generalize skills across different settings.
Occupational and Physical Therapy Services
The Occupational and Physical Therapists use their unique expertise to help children prepare for and perform important learning and school-related activities to fulfill their role as students. In this setting, OTs and PTs support outcomes including: social skills, math, reading and writing, behavior management, participation in recess and physical education, navigation throughout the school, self-help skills, prevocational/vocational participation, and more. Practitioners are particularly skilled in facilitating student access to curricular and extracurricular activities through supports, adaptations, modifications and planning. Additionally, they play a critical role in training classroom teachers, parents, other staff members, in how to support students with unique fine and gross motor needs. Our services include direct, small-group and integrated instruction in the classroom, as well as consultation with classroom teachers to help children generalize skills across different settings.
Behavioral Services
Counseling Services
The Franklin Lakes School Counseling Program believes that all people can learn and grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and also develop a strong sense of moral responsibility. Our comprehensive program is built on the assumption that educational, career, and personal objectives are attainable when all students are supported by school counseling services. All students in Franklin Lakes, grades K-8, have the right to receive school counseling services and discuss unique needs. The counselors will serve as a liaison between students, parents and teachers to maximize student success. The links below provide more specific information:
Supplemental Reading
Criteria for students to qualify for supplemental reading via their IEP
Grades 1-3:
- Student's reading is not progressing with multi-sensory reading approaches in the classroom; AND
- Student's reading level is approximately one year or more below expectations as measured by the instructional reading level on the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (F&P BAS), DIBELS and IXL overall ELA score; AND
- (Grades 1 & 2) When assessed using the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (WRMT), student performance shows significant weaknesses in the readiness (Phonological Awareness, Rapid Automatic Naming and Letter Identification) and basic skills (Word Attack and Word Identification) clusters.
- (Grade 3) When assessed using the Word Identification and Spelling Test (WIST), student performance shows significant weaknesses in the word identification subtest and/or spelling subtests.
Grades 4 - 5:
- Student is not making progress in word study or multi-sensory reading in the classroom; AND
- Student's reading level is approximately two years or more below expectations as measured by the instructional reading level on the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (F&P BAS), DIBELS and IXL overall ELA score; AND
- When assessed using the Word Identification and Spelling Test (WIST), student performance shows significant weaknesses in the word identification subtest and/or spelling subtests.