Franklin Lakes School District

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Kindergarten and New Student Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 school year.  To begin, select "New Student Registration" under Parent Tab on the District Website's homepage.
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Progress toward learning expectations is reported following three intervals (marking periods) during the school year: December, March, and June via the Genesis Parent Portal. 


Grades K-3 Standards-Based Report Cards

The district will utilize a recently updated report card to report on the academic progress of our Kindergartners through third graders.  These report cards and associated rubrics have undergone a comprehensive revision to ensure reporting aligns with the most important content and skills students should be learning during these foundational years of schooling (see the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.)  These changes are intended to clarify the expected performance outcomes for every student by the end of the school year.

Grades 4-5 Report Cards

For school year 2024-25, student progress toward learning will continue to be evaluated using the below report cards and rubrics. Rubrics identify student performance levels relative to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for the grade. Evaluations of students may change with each marking period as expectations for student performance increase in rigor from one marking period to the next.

Note: Grades 4 through 5 report cards will be reviewed and evaluated in subsequent school years.

Further information and rubrics supporting our current Grade 4-5 report cards is below. 

Grades 6-8 Report Cards

At FAMS, Report cards are issued four (4) times a year and can be retrieved using the Genesis Parent Access Portal. Grades are derived from numerous criteria, including the teacher’s evaluation of the pupil on daily lesson preparation, tests, teacher’s judgment, and the student’s effort. Parents are encouraged to review report cards with their children to provide guidance, motivation and encouragement.


The following grading scale is in effect:

A   100 – 93

A-   92 – 90

B+  89 – 87

B    86 – 83

B-   82 – 80

C+ 79 – 77 

C   76 – 73 

C-  72 – 70 

D   69 – 65

U  64 and below