Franklin Lakes School District

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K-8 Enrichment (Tier 1)

Tier 1: Enrichment For All

Differentiated classroom instruction is implemented throughout each content area to address the variance among individual learners by integrating gifted education within regular classroom settings.  All BOE-approved curricula include modifications for identified students indicating content, process, products, and learning environment. Classroom-based assessments inform instructional planning for differentiation of instruction.  In addition, “Enrichment for All” opportunities provoke curiosity, creativity, exploration, problem-solving, investigation, and discovery. 

Service Goals include:

  • Expansion of divergent thinking, creativity, and engagement;
  • Development of the dispositions, patterns of behavior, and conscious thought that supports students in achieving learning goals.
Grades Pre-K-8 Enrichment Showcase

All Pre-K through grade 8 students are invited to participate in the optional Enrichment Showcase! Students work at home to create a project about any topic of their choice and present their work to others during an evening event. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore their interests, curiosities, and passions! Details about this year's Enrichment Showcase are forthcoming.

In addition to differentiated content area instruction provided by the certified teacher, our delivery of services includes:


Grades K-5 Enrichment Classes:

  • K-3 Curiosity Corner
  • 4-5 Discovery


Grades K-5 Related Arts (scheduled once per week)

  • Library/ Media (K-3)
  • Art
  • Music
  • Instrumental Music (optional in grades 4-5)

Grades 6-8 Encore Cycle Classes

FAMS offers a variety of enriching cycle classes in which all students are enrolled on a quarterly basis:


Grades 6-8: Enriching Cycle Courses 

Grade 6 Cycle

Grade 7 Cycle

Grade 8 Cycle

·       Music Technology (Media Arts)

·       Digital Design (Media Arts)

·       Social-Emotional Learning Foundations  

·       STEM Lab 

·       Art (Visual Arts)

·       TV Studio (Media Arts)

·       STEM Lab 

·       American Civics

·       Art (Visual Arts)

·       TV Studio (Media Arts)

·       STEM Lab 

·       Global Citizenship


Grades 6-8 Push-In Enrichment

The Gifted and Talented Specialist collaborates with classroom teachers to push in on a periodic basis. Activities are intended to provoke curiosity, creativity, exploration, problem-solving, investigation, and discovery.

Lunchtime Enrichment (Optional)

Interested students are invited to participate in a pull-out service for approximately one period per week during the student’s lunch period. Services will be provided by the Gifted and Talented Specialist and are intended to provide an opportunity for students to enhance their potential through collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving. Students are challenged to engage in inquiry, take intellectual risks, exercise divergent and critical thinking, and reflect upon and develop their individual talents. Services offered are intended to appeal to a range of intellectual interests. 


FAMS Co-Curricular Offerings

FAMS Future Innovators